Prior to 2005 sewage waste within the Borough was handled by on-site septic systems. In 2004, thanks to a PennVest grant and low interest loans, the Borough began construction of a public sewer collection system, and a sewage treatment plant. Customers began tapping into the system in June 2005. Tapping into this public sewage system is mandatory for all properties with sewage facilities. The system serves customers in of the Borough of Markleysburg and a small portion of Henry Clay Township. Initial tapping fees were $350 and later raised to $1000.
The monthly charge is $28 per EDU. Late fees and finance charges are added to accounts when payments are not received by the 20th of the billing month. All bills are sent to the actual property owner of record and will not be sent to tenants or renters. We use Fayette County Tax Assessment Office and local Tax Collector records for determining ownership. Sewage bill payments should be sent to: Borough of Markleysburg, PO Box 25, Markleysburg, PA, 15459. Payments are taken at the Borough Building on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month, 10:00AM - Noon.